You’ve come to the right place!
I'm here to help you remember how powerful, magnetic, and magical you really are.

I'm Zatara Lumen
I help heart-centered soulpreneurs bring their mind, body, and soul into true alignment so they can awaken to their power and magic, tap into their infinite potential, and create unlimited possibilities and success.
I'm a trained and dual certified Intuitive Life Coach, Human Design Coach, and PSYCH-K® Facilitator, as well as a Reiki healer and use all these skills in an unique way to help my clients.
In Human Design, I'm a 2/4 sacral Manifesting Generator and I'm here to collapse and shorten your timeline of designing and calling in your most magical life.
I love learning and expanding my toolkit, and am always honing my skills so that I can then share them with my clients and help them on their own paths. I never take the opportunities to do so lightly or for granted as it's a great honor to be of service.

I was exactly where you might be right now.
Insecure. Confused. Desperate. Looking for more.
Or maybe you already know what you want, you're just not sure how best to align to and tap into it.
As far back as I can remember, I was always searching for more answers about myself and the world around me, knowing that I was different in some way and looking for confirmation of why and how. If only I could understand why and how things worked the way they did, then maybe I could not only understand myself better, but the world and those around me a bit better too.
I was so unsure of myself, my intuition, my gifts, and resented the part of myself that was so sensitive to others and their energy. I felt like there was something wrong with me and that I was 'too sensitive', but no matter how hard I tried, I could never turn that part of myself off.
The only thing I did know was that I wanted to help people in some capacity but I had no sense of direction and was at a complete loss of my path forward and how exactly I could help.
Then one day a friend told me about this revolutionary movie I had to watch, which turned out to be The Secret and it radically shifted everything for me. It was the catalyst that I so desperately needed and was searching for.
I picked up where the movie left off, hoping to learn more and what it all means, and even after all this time, I'm still learning.
Shortly after that, my dad survived a serious accidental work injury that not only changed his life, but mine as well. Due to his permanent injuries, the US medical system basically washed their hands of him, and he went into retirement since he wasn't able to return to work. Looking for other options, my mom stumbled upon the energetic healing modality of Reiki. Not only did my dad find an alternative means of healing himself, but I found a new way to use my gifts and help others heal.
On the way I discovered that there is so much more to life than we know and can see, and that the beautiful thing is that nothing is static because we are the creators of our lives and we get to choose.
To this day I have an insatiable curiosity and desire to learn more and expand my knowledge, and I love sharing that with others.
Once I learned about the subconscious, energetics, Universal Laws, and how to apply them, my life has never been the same.
I started embodying my most magical self, attracting more opportunities, and living a life I always envisioned, and I'm just getting started.
These are a few of the things I'm proud of that happened along the way:
- I welcomed and strengthened my intuitive abilities and now use them daily in my personal life and with my clients.
- I legally changed my name to Zatara Lumen, creating my own identity that felt right in my soul and shedding a huge weight off my shoulders.
- I manifested the opportunity of joining Atmana Academy to be trained and dual certified as an Intuitive Life Coach.
- I stumbled upon the transformative modality of PSYCH-K®, and am now a PSYCH-K® Facilitator who not only helps others change their self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind in a simple, easy, and direct way, but also use it myself regularly.
- I discovered Human Design and learned all about my unique energetic blueprint and am now certified to help others discover theirs.
- I enrolled into a metaphysical degree program and am now on my way to receiving a Bachelor's Degree in Metaphysical Science.